Monday 14 September 2009

Nick Griffin On Question Time? Perish The Thought!

BBC Question Time Directors are doing the scandalous thing of actually reaching out to all sides of the political spectrum, by inviting Nick Griffin on the panel. Time to create another faux moral outrage to get respect from the equally ridiculous "anti-fascist" clique!

....Oh, wait, never mind; Peter Hain has already filled this slot, with his pathetic attempt at boycotting Question Time.

Actually, Peter Hain, a man who I have as little respect for as I do for a slug, shouldn't be singled out; the entire traditional Labour position on the BNP, to refuse sharing any platform with them, is absurd and unrealistic.

We've gone for so long leading an immigration debate which has been nothing but speculation, 2 bit analyses on the subject, and an incoherent and mundane ramble about the past, and the perceived future. Yawn.

An example of every bleeding immigration debate I hear:

Person 1 (Reactionary shitehawk): Well, uhm, you know, immigration is a fine thing for this nation, but needs control. New Labour has opened our floodgates, let in every Tom, Dick and Abdul (Supposed to be Harry, but, hey, since it's about Johnny Foreigner, we'll include a typically ethnic name. Anyway, onto immigration being to do with nothing on race....) in. Our GREAT British Values of drinking a, I mean, ahem, 'scuse me, GREAT BRITISH beverage, known as tea, Christianity (Like that wasn't put into Britain by force!), fish and chips (Depending on where you live, fish and chip shops were spread by Irish immigrants), democracy (House Of Lords isn't exactly a beacon of that), and freedom (Too silly to comment on), is being eroded by Mass Immigration, and it needs to be controlled! Multiculturalism is the problem! Fit in or ship out, I say!

Person 2 (Faux multiculturalist dipshit): Well, I mean, back in the day, I remember the all white societies (Nothing to do with race, eh?), and it was a far less interesting place! (Since when has racial diversity meant more interesting environments?) Thanks to immigration, we now have things like plenty of Indian restaurants! (We had them before mass immigration, doh) Immigrants also do all the jobs that British people don't want to do! I welcome other cultures coming in, as opposed to when it was an all white society! And it's not like we kept within our country; we deserve these immigrants coming in, from our days of British Imperialism! (File under: non sequitur)

Even IF we manage to eradicate the issue of race in immigration, we still won't be able to hold a sensible debate on its economic or social values, or even how stringent border policy should or shouldn't be. Every debate now is just a yawnfest on the most basic of issues, and correlating unrelated things with perceived improvements or declines in society. Idiotic.

Anyway, to link the digression; the reason we have such mundane immigration debates, is exactly because of letting the BNP preach to an audience where politicians fear to tread. It's their kind of Lowest Common Denominator shit that leads to a watered down debate on immigration. And frankly, it's getting annoying. It's about time we, as in, the public, AND the politicians, confront and QUICKLY demolish the mistruths of the BNP. THEN, after they've been thoroughly refuted enough to where their kind of propaganda is dormant enough, we can move to an actual intellectual debate on immigration, with NOTHING to do with race, culture, or "British values" and all that shite.

So, uhm, yeah, let Nick Griffin go on Question Time, and make an ass of himself. My only hope about this, is that they actually have strong panellists on with Nick, unlike the usual wishy washy politicians.

Oh, by the way, any Question Time archives would be appreciated, for me to watch. Thanks :D

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