Monday 21 September 2009

Unions In This Country Are A Shambles

I took the liberty of watching the recent ongoing conference by the TUC, about union policy, motions/amendments and initiatives, and I was dismayed at what I could justifiably call either a "conference of individuals severely out of touch with reality", or a complete wankathon.

I'll go for the latter description, thinking about it.

Credit to Bob Crowe though, whom, I disagree with strongly on most issues, actually had something sensible to say about the future of the unions, reasonably intelligent explanations on the shift to the BNP, and how to make a change.

Within this ridiculous façade of a conference, was pointless jargon about the recession, putting across which popular minority groups would be hit by this recession the most, between ethnic minority union representatives claiming ethnic minorities will be hit the most, and female representatives claiming women will be hit the most. Some, however, accepted that both will be targeted groups.

The fact is, is that EVERYONE will be hit in this recession, in dismaying circumstances, but the fact of the matter, is that there is undoubtedly ONE group who will be hit above all else: the youth. The youth, whether they're Black/White/Asian, Male/Female, disabled or not, LGBT or not, the sting of this economic crisis will be concentrated on the youth. And you can whip up all the pathetic, petty little divisions up, on "who to concentrate more on", but this recession will hit young people the worst. Most importantly though, this recession will affect EVERYONE.

Well, as well as dividing the already pitifully divided, Ed Miliband, of all New Labour hacks, was giving us his say on climate change issues, and a "green" way to get out of the recession; namely, via the mythical clean coal technology.

I know the Miliband brothers have brought the reputation upon themselves of desiring to be the British versions of Al Gore (No compliment), but for the TUC to be investing their faith in ANY issue, on a New Labour spin-merchant, shows how out of touch the TUC are with reality; particularly, that reality which is staring at them right in the face, on a day to day basis: the general nullification of Union activity, created by the Tories, yet FULLY backed by the corporatist New Labour party.

But what really cut to the bone for me, was that slimy, supine, squatt of a man, Derek Simpson, the leader of the Union, known as Unite The Union (More commonly put, as Unite The Useless), was on the conference, putting down any attempt by the TUC to shift from the New Labour party; the party that has stabbed the unions in the back since Blair took to power, and basically responded to such attempts within the TUC by repeating the mantra, "You might as well VOTE Tory!".

Fuck you, Derek.

No, really. This fucking bastard is the epitome of why the working classes are in such inequity with the richest in the country. Not because of the Conservatives, or even Gordon Brown and New Labour, but these fuckers.

Because these people COULD change something; Unite has over a million members. Given that we have a current population of 60 million, and given that around 60% of the general public vote on average, a million is a sizeable amount of the electorate.

Not even that, but a million members could create a hell of a civic movement.

And Derek talks of changing Labour from New Labour to traditional, but does he strive to do it? EVER? No, not at all. He gives EVERY excuse under the sun, from giving us the Derek Simpson dolchstoss of "not supporting Labour means an inevitable Tory victory, and that's the worst possible thing to happen ever!!!!!!!!11", to these anti-union laws, BACKED probably most staunchly by the corporatist agenda of the New Labour machine, preventing any action (Why doesn't Derek organize a protest to get rid of them, then? Starting from the bottom often has to be done, and is better than not starting at all), and then the hilarious excuse, of when bringing up the issue that his New Labour shill organization of Unite, actually FUNDS the New Labour party, he replies that he wouldn't refuse donors, as it would appear like he's "trading policies for cash".

Well, Derek, I know your vanity outweighs your convictions, on any given issue, but the fact of the matter, is that people, working people, who belong to your union, being affected by the recession in or way or another, even if it's fear of being made redundant, are PAYING to be a member of your ramshackle union, and, as both an elected member of the union by the members, and someone who's being funded out of pocket to acquire REPRESENTATION, you are nothing but obliged to represent your disenchanted members, by giving New Labour the boot, and refusing to pay money to New Labour, which is normally paid wholesomely by the struggling and pressurized working members of your union, who make up a sizeable section of the British workforce, being squeezed to death by the recession and the 12 year legacy of New Labour corporatism, and its stamping on the heads of the working classes.

You are a weasel, Derek. And the ugliest variation of one. You are weak, degenerate, supine, and your performance at the latest TUC conference was exasperating, by all accounts.

But don't feel alone; other pathetic Union leaders, whose names, I don't even know, had also expressed your sentiments of turning the back on the very people who put them there, prioritizing the appeasement of New Labour. I can see the similarities between you people and New Labour, in this regard. And watching you grovelling to support of New Labour, on the expense of the ordinary working man and woman, is bone chilling.

There's nothing on Earth worse than you people. NOTHING

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