Thursday 24 September 2009

Thought Sir Menzies Campbell Was Inept? Try Nick Camer, erm, I Mean, Nick Clegg Out For Size

What have we all done in out lifetimes? Aside from breathing, sleeping, eating, blinking, and all that kind of thing. What is it we've all done at one point in our lives?

The answer, is looking at a picture or a clip of Nick Clegg and mistaking him for David Cameron; I think I've done it thrice; tell me how many times you've fallen into the trap.

But Clegg has really made a balls-up of this Lib Dem conference. First, though, let's give them credit: they're actually the only ones talking about policy; Cameron is concealing his policies like a dog, frantically burying a bone. (Just look at the "policies" on the Tory party website; so much, yet so little said)

And, well, New Labour may as well put Hazel Blears in charge of the Labour party, to ensure them coming third. Or forth.

Let's focus on them planning to scrap their long-standing policy of scrapping tuition fees; why?

New Labour's Midas Touch Of Fuckupery has managed to erode and assimilate the education system into one, pretty bleak, dismal path for many young people; that, being Primary School, to High School, to College, then to University. And oh, look; you have to PAY for the last one!

Given that we need to bring stability back into the economy, via jobs and productivity, how about the really radical idea of making tertiary education available to all, so we can increase potential for productivity, to help us get out of this financial crisis?

Or is Gordon The Moron's plan investing in trident warheads to nuke a billion individuals to make resources go around better, bwahahahahah!?!?!?

Moving on, though, one big thing being thrust against the Lib Dems, is the lack of a general party consensus; actually, that's fairly understandable, given the party's history of being a coalition, as well as not being able to put a cigarette end between both the other two parties.

But Clegg's handling of this has been dire; in his ending speech, he laughed off Evan Harris' criticisms, and acted like it was something to be, you douche; you've just wasted your prime chance to strike back and remove the "unelectable" perception about the Lib Dems!

Actually, I think there's a lot to be done, in that field, which Clegg just hasn't fucking done in his campaign. For instance, a serious, committed Lib Dem leader would bust the "THREE main parties" myth, when the Lib Dems haven't been anywhere near of getting a decent crack of the whip.

Instead, I see Clegg doing absurd shite, like filming him and his wife in the kitchen; the kind of shit you see David Cameron indulging in. The whole, "Meet The Camerons", and all that wank.

Incidentally, when my mother was watching that same footage, she did the mistake I mentioned before that we all make, by mistaking Clegg as Cameron.

And there we have it; I see no future for them, unless Vince Cable, a man whom I've always invested trust into, and have never been let down on that, even when putting himself up against the legend that is Paxman, becomes leader of the pretty fluid party known as the Lib Dems .

I do miss the great days of Charles Kennedy. Perhaps if Clegg were to imitate a former Lib Dem leader, instead of a Tory one, they may get somewhere? "The conman of British politics", vs "The doppelgänger of the conman of British politics" sums it up between Cameron and Clegg.

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