Friday 27 November 2009

Update And Another Question

Hi there. I'm sorry, I haven't been keeping with the blog of late; there's several reasons for that. Firstly, I've been tied up with a lot of hectic happenings of recent. Some good, others bad. Sometimes, escapism from it all isn't justifiable, let alone it actually serving its intended purpose. There's questions to be answered, and notions to be put to rest, and all of that, and I want to plough through all that just to sleep easier at night.

Secondly, I've had "politics block". This phrase might appear as a ridiculous exaggeration, but there's just times when it seems as if you've said all that's to be said, and that's it. I'm not recovered from that notion entirely, to be honest. In fact, my last post was merely a question on my mind, put out to the public domain, just because I had nothing else to talk about.

So, with this, I wouldn't expect any in depth political analysis (Pfffft, you're entirely in the wrong blog if you expect that from me!), but I do have a rather important question to ask.

Okay, here goes; and I want you to think about this one carefully, and answer with complete honesty (Yes, there is a point behind this question, which I'll reveal at a later date):

Supposing you're part of an oppressed group, who was discriminated on both an institutional basis, and a social one. Supposing there was a prominent, well known and erudite speaker from your oppressed group, who campaigned heavily for your group's rights against the oppressors. Yet supposing this eloquent campaigner was also partly infamous for bigotry, or bigoted comments against another group of people (Oppressed group or not); if you had FULL knowledge of this campaigner's bigotry against the other group, would you still support both them, and their actions within the general campaign?

Thanks; I'll look forward to your input on this :)

Sunday 8 November 2009

A Question

Is Peter Tatchell a douchebag?

No no, I don't ask this question in any rhetorical sense whatsoever; I'm genuinely unsure how I should look at this guy.

His citizen's arrest on Mugabe is certainly commendable; his strive for Gay Rights in awkward countries such as Russia is extremely honourable - without doubt, he does some excellent things. He does face criticism from assbags like Jon Gaunt and the Mail brigade on one side, and from the other side, equally moronic assbags like George Galloway, and his pathetic emulsion of a "Respect" (LOL) Party, on the other side. Being capable of annoying idiots from "both sides" is certainly a talent not to be overlooked.

But....I can't help thinking that he's somewhat of an...uhm, pantomime figure, almost.

I was just reading this article from Tatchell; a few things came to mind, when reading this excrement.

It seems increasingly common for gay rights activists to have a snipe at black people; I'm not accusing Tatchell of that, per se, but the constant accusations of there being a problem of homophobia within the "black community" that you hear, make me very wary; sure, there's a problem with homophobia within the black community, as there is with the white community, the Asian community etc. But the specific finger pointing does put me on the edge a little; Jamaica, as a disturbingly violent and homophobic country, is often used as a so-called "example" of black homophobia. This finger pointing is duplicitous to say the least, given that Jamaica is a country rife with Orthodox Christian fundamentalism. (A fact that is often ignored about Jamaica).

One also would argue about the homophobic lyrics in reggae and hip-hop; sure. That is undeniable, but influence from song lyrics is an influence which is often overstated. Fucking hell, if the Anti-Vietnam war movement within music, in its vast and powerful might, couldn't influence policy or even opinion, for the most part, then I don't think homophobic lyrics, coming from the scummy likes of Buju Banton, and "gangster rappers" are that much of an influence. (I have often made the case that politics and music don't really work well together, or achieve much, if anything) Sure, homophobic artists are fucking arseholes and bigots; that's stating the obvious. But they're really just not that influential, as far as opinions go. Books and newspapers are FAR more powerful for the objective of influencing opinion, than music could ever hope to be.

So, it seems like thin excuses, honestly. I mean, it's just a fact that there are people out there, who will be the first to play the persecution card, then go on to attack a minority group. (Think: White van man reading the tabloids, complaining how Political Correctness and affirmative action are hurting the white, heterosexual male, then goes on to make a racist, sexist or homophobic remark. That's an example)

The above trait seems to be within a few self-proclaimed Gay rights activists, who go on to attack black people.

Again, I'm not accusing Tatchell of that, but the article certainly does have a whiff of that.

Apart from this (And the laughable fact that Tatchell does view Malcolm X as a "hero"), it's really a pathetic trivialisation of the honourable cause of Gay rights. Perhaps Peter Tatchell is the one needs to "get over it", that Malcolm X was a bisexual? Given that it's BLACK History Month, who the fuck would care about Malcolm X's sexuality? Because, for most people (Evidently not Tatchell), Malcolm's sexuality is IRRELEVANT.

What would please Tatchell though? Oh, look, Malcolm X was a black nationalist, AND DID YOU KNOW THAT HE WAS BISEXUAL!?!??!?! DID YOU!??! DID YOU!??!?!?! I BET YOU FUCKING DIDN'T!!!!!!!!111111111111111111111

Of course, I take his point that some homophobes will make the endeavour of covering his sexuality up, but what makes Tatchell think that making it more apparent will have some vast difference? If he honestly thinks black nationalist homophobes (Surely the black nationalist element is fucking bad enough in itself?) are going to stop being homophobes, down to them knowing that one of their pioneers, and greatest spokesmen, Malcolm X, was a bisexual, then he's a complete fucking joke. And it would reaffirm my suspicion that he's a pantomime figure, all in all.

I don't know...he seems such a turd at times: his self-appointed nature of being this self-appointed spokesman for LGBT people, much to the disdain of many other LGBT people, as well as his one-trick pony nature, of making flagpoles out of matchsticks, yet often being silent about other humanitarian disasters. All are distasteful, to say the least. Yet at the same time, the kind of people who do fling shit at him regularly are often people who I have absolutely no time for. I don't know. Please come back to me with your thoughts, and I honestly don't want to view Tatchell in a bad light, but I am often placed in doubt.

Friday 6 November 2009

Switching The Goalposts

The relentless onward march of trying to solve Broken Britain is fast turning us into a Stalinist society. The Daily Mail brigade is faithful to Lenin’s dictum that a crisis is too good to waste. An example is the ContactPoint database, designed to hold the most intimate details of children’s lives and circumstances. It came into existence on the coat-tails of a genuine problem. After Lord Laming’s report in 2003 into the horrific death of Victoria ClimbiĆ©, there was a public outcry and a demand that social services get their act together.

One of the eventual outcomes was the devising of ContactPoint, a massive computer database to record information about children, for use by councils, healthcare and police, at a cost of £224m. Many concerns have been raised about its security – 390,000 people will have access to it. Now a fresh concern is being canvassed: that it may be used to demonise even toddlers who manifest yobbish tendencies and constitute a stigma attached to their names until age 24.

According to the civil liberties organisation the Manifesto Club, 250,000 “racist” incidents have been reported in schools since 2002. Most of these “incidents” were casual playground exchanges reflecting the naturally aggressive language of young children. But under the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2002 teachers are obliged to record all such occurrences and report them to the authorities – as if hard-pressed teachers had nothing more important to do.

Every sensible adult knows that angry children trading insults will seize upon any aspect of their opponent that can be turned to insult (“Fatty!”) and that this does not indicate the emergence of a sociopath. But we live in a society where a mother cannot push her own child on a swing in a playground unless she has undergone checks for criminality. Recently a two-year-old was reported to the authorities for hitting a neighbour’s cat with a stick. Any mother will tell you this is the bog-standard, totally normal behaviour of the “terrible twos”.

The concern now is that “racist” and other offences may be recorded on the ContactPoint computer and effectively blacklist a child for 20 years. Even the Tories have said they will replace ContactPoint with a small, targeted database. Much more drastic action than that is needed. We are no longer living in a free society and it will get less free unless and until we stamp out tabloids as ruthlessly as they have trampled on our liberties. There is no room here for compromise: they are a cancer that must be cut out.

The means could not be simpler: one single-clause Statute of Repeal. In the standard formula “Be it enacted by the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty…” it would simply declare the repeal of all the Acts of Parliament listed in Schedule I hereto appended. That Schedule would be a list of every oppressive tabloid-influenced law passed by Labour since 1997. At a stroke it would remove the poison from the bloodstream of British life and restore freedom of speech and expression, as well as personal privacy.

Any political party aspiring to government should have such a Bill drafted before the next general election; should include it in its manifesto; and should enact it in its first month in office. Any party not committed to that course of action should be regarded as ineligible to receive the votes of British democrats and patriots. The remedy is there for us, straightforward and completely practical. It only remains for the public to find the resolution to square up to the Murdoch tyrants and see them off.

- as amended from the original article. By the way, the only words (Apart from amendments for grammatical accuracy) I replaced, were "Political Correctness", or "PC". Fascinating how logic can be spun with the replacement of two words, and be far more accurate.

Friday 30 October 2009

FUCK New Labour (Part 259 - Postman Prat Strikes Again)

Labour drug chief David Nutt sacked for speaking the truth (By Postman Prat, Alan Johnson, of all people)

2005 England and Wales report of drug related deaths:

Tobacco 86,500
Alcohol 6,627
Heroin 842
PARACETAMOL 446 (Any fucker who thinks this is a safe drug knows fuck all. And believe me, I speak from experience on this one)
All anti-depressants 401
Methadone 223
Cocaine (including crack) 176
Amphetamine 103
MDMA/Ecstasy 58

Cannabis 0

No FUCKING individual in HUMAN FUCKING HISTORY has died directly from cannabis. Why? It's NOT TOXIC ENOUGH. GET IT?

And don't give me any of this fucking crap about skunk; yes, it's STRONGER, in which case, TAKE FUCKING LESS, like you do with whiskey. Oh, wait, yes, that's right, we're unable to do that, because Cannabis growth isn't regulated, and as such, users are more prone to overdoses, down to its illegal nature. Forgot about that one.

Also, the tobacco element; simple - smoke cannabis with herbal cigarettes. Problem. Fucking. Solved. There'd be no tobacco involved, so no tar production, and all the shit that comes with tobacco intake.

People can have panic attacks from the use, which is true, and, again, with legality of cannabis, but coming with strict regulation of its usage, such problems could be far easier to monitor. Like any fucking drug in the world, there will be SOME nasty side effects for SOME people.

Ugh, I hate this debate so much, and the lies and deception spread around it. Did anyone see that odious scumbag, Jacqui Smith, the hypocrite of the year, on Question Time? Horrible TV. I was depressed at her weasel performance, and her defending her indefensible comments on her drug policy.

I make no secret of the fact that I think The War On Drugs, is the worst piece of existing policy in this country. Yes, even worse than The War On Terrorism, solely because the War On Terror also includes elements with the drug war in it.

The history of cannabis has always been a conveniently ignored one, because before the war on drugs, created by the most corrupt president in US history, to be then imported into this country, most dope-smokers weren't anti-establishment hippies, and to say so, is entirely duplicitous. The vast majority of cannabis smokers were women who used cannabis to relieve period pains. FACT. (Edit: Degaffed @_@)

Cannabis has been proven to help act as a pain reliever for various tumours, not to mention actually downsizing brain tumours, and is also an aid to bipolar disorder. Oh. Wait. Not only is cannabis a classified drug, but not even the NHS are allowed to issue cannabis as a medicine, despite NHS centres in the UK being allowed to prescribe heroin. Fuck, I hate using Littlejohnian phrases, but you actually couldn't make this shit up.

Oh, here's another fun fact about cannabis; do you know, in the country where the drug war originated, which is the United States, eight individuals there actually get cannabis provided to them by the federal government, for medical reasons?

But, as wisely pointed out by an audience member on Question Time, the only reason the politicians won't do anything with alcohol and tobacco, is because they get revenue from it.

Alan "Postman Prat" Johnson is such a fucktard. I hate his smarmy fucking face, his history (Aka, the fucker that helped introduced tuition fees), and everything about him, but beyond all others, how he's hailed as "decent" because of his "background as a postie". What shallow shit that is. Hitler was an ex-serviceman, and from humblestock, as was Thatcher; oh, yeah, they're fucking great, aren't they? Ugh. It's times like this when I think we need a new Guy Fawkes ;)

Thursday 29 October 2009

Cultural Marxism

Dear BBC,

I, as a proud, self-registered member of "The Silent Majority", in this once great country, am getting increasingly alarmed by the preposterous levels of cultural and social Marxism displayed in your output. With certainty, I can tell you that I am losing a lot of sleep over it, and am becoming frightened to go out of my own home, because of it.
You, and many other PC, right-on do-gooders may get a cheap laugh out of these lefties, but not I; their antics are increasingly destroying the fabric of our society, and the BBC is busily engaged in emulating their ways, and trying to stain our culture with it.

Take Groucho, for instance, and his "witty" comebacks to his superiors, and all authority that stares him in the face; back in my day, we didn't make no cheeky retorts - we did what we were told. And that's the way it should be. Authority is unquestionable, yet Groucho, and all the other "right on" do-gooders that the BBC hire as "comedians" persist on defying this traditional, upstanding attitude. You can clearly see the effect this has on our feral youth of today, where they don't have the blindest bit of respect for authority, and, like Groucho, are making these "witty" retorts. It's just not on. A clip round the earhole would do these young shavers the world of good. Although we can't even do THAT nowadays, thanks to "yuman rights".

Chico, as well, and his Italian "gangster" accent; clearly glorifying the violent gangster culture, not to mention the rubbishing of our good, never changing English language. It's an absolute disgrace. The BBC are culprits of this as well, imbibing the attitudes of Chico. For starters, whenever there's yet another story about a feral yob vandalising property, or committing one crime or another, you won't even have the guts to call these young yobs for what they are; you'll always resort to something ridiculous, like, "restless young adult", or something else of a similar nature, radiating in sheer Political Correctness. As for the accents....don't get me started on THAT one; what on Earth, apart from even more Political Correctness, and the cultural undermining of our great English language, would be the reason for hiring people with bloody regional accents?! I'm routinely plagued with these new presenters, listening to them, and thinking to myself: Can't they pronounce ANYTHING right? This constant imbibing of Cultural Marxism is deeply disturbing, and the ordinary man on the street is becoming increasingly afraid to walk out on an evening, because of it.

Last and not least, there's Harpo; practical jokes aren't practical, or a joke. Let's be perfectly clear about that one. Slapstick has always promoted mass violence in our once great country, and is clearly a direct influence to the now named "happy slapping". (Only a Cultural Marxist would name this act "Happy", so even the name is a Cultural Marxist invention) Of course, back in my day, we didn't have no phones. We played football in the park. (Rugby, for us tougher, more macho folk) And again, the BBC wish to emulate this, by having their own slapstick comedians on, and airing shows, which use slapstick as humour. Our true, blue, British values are being eroded by the day, and the BBC is busily engaged in contributing to this erosion. Well, I, and many others are looking at this drastic downhill slope for our society, and must come to the conclusion that in 20 years, there won't be a Britain left, let alone a GREAT Britain. We urge you to ditch this Cultural Marxism immediately, before the effects of it are irreversible.

Yours faithfully,

Terry Shitehouse; a PROUD British.

Wednesday 28 October 2009

The War Against Terrorism And Drugs (NEW DEVELOPMENT!)

Drugs and terrorists go together like chalk and, I mean, like bricks and cement. Well, now there's a vital development that's been unearthed in how terrorists raise money for Weapons Of Mass Destruction, that have the revolutionary ability of vanishing. Yes. Vanishing. Vanishing before UN weapons inspectors' eyes. Vanishing. And you probably are raising money for these weapons in this country, as well. How so? You all buy this consumer product, which, in actuality, is nothing short of a DANGEROUS DRUG. Yes. DANGEROUS DRUG. Created by TERRORISTS, to fund these weapons. This DANGEROUS DRUG is subtly, but in actuality, causing the breakdown of our once great country, not to mention its VITAL role in the funding of terrorists, capable of sending a shower of nuclear missiles down on your city ANY MINUTE.

So, you might ask......what is this "DANGEROUS DRUG"?



That's right: TEA.

Tea is an evil drug, which has an evil substance in it, called caffeine, which is a stimulant; in other words, it can send you psychotic, as the Daily Mail wisely informs you, day in, day out.

This evil drug is brewed by terrorists, as their prime funding for not only Weapons Of Mass Destruction, but Weapons Of Mass Destruction, that can vanish at the users' will. Ha! Take that, smarmy UN weapons inspectors! George Bush told you lot, motherfuckers! That's why you should listen to him, you inept bastards!

Reports (That'll look convincing enough), have shown that the chief brewers of this evil drug, who are also high in the ranks of Al Qaeda, are: P.G. al-Tipsali, Abu Typhoojir and Mohammed Tetleyqir, and are situated in Iran. IRAN!!! Yes, you fucking milk coffee drinking, sandal wearing, yoghurt knitting, left-wing hippy liberals; EYE-fucking-RAN!!!!! It all fits in! Duuuur, any simpleton could now put the pieces together. Iran. Nuclear weapons project. (That those junkie UN officials keep denying) Funding via tea. All. Makes. Sense!

Not ONLY that, but according to a study, founded in a collaboration with the News Of The World, and the Taxpayers' Alliance, tea has other social effects on our once great country, now Broken Britain. Yes. Tea is the starting drug which leads to all other drugs. People start drinking tea, only to lead on to a path of other, BIGGER drugs, like cocaine and heroin. Tea is also brewed THREE times stronger than it was before, as well, being FAR more dangerous. Oh, yes. Not a problem for good drugs, like whiskey, as we ALL (Except feral youths), know to drink less whiskey, as it's stronger. But tea, no. Oh, no no no. Different kettle of fish, I say. Tea, when brewed stronger, is just infinitely and unconditionally worse.

Tea also leads to higher divorce rates; one in three tea drinkers have been divorced. Let's look back to thirty years ago, when Britain was a bit more greater: tea was also brewed three times weaker then, as we established. Only one in 10 tea drinkers thirty years ago, had been divorced. See the pattern!? The stronger the "brew" (As those bleeding northerners say), the higher the divorce rate! You couldn't make it up!

An alleged effect, also, is that tea keeps people awake longer, as per the stimulant effect. Meaning? Meaning, more feral youths are prone to staying awake longer, roaming around the streets later.....causing more terror and vandalism on the streets of our ONCE GREAT COUNTRY!

Yes, indeed; the effects that this DANGEROUS DRUG has on society is irrefutable. But let's look at the history of tea: how did this DANGEROUS DRUG get passed into British society?...


...Fuckin' immigrants. That's what. That's more than enough reason to make this drug a class A drug.

But back to the terror link....

Yes, these Brewers Of Mass Destruction, threatening jihad against the West, like all Mu, er, I mean, extremists, are brewing this DANGEROUS DRUG in Iran, before our very eyes. And Ahmadinejad is naturally in cahoots. (What the fuck did you expect!?)

The way, the only way, to rid ourselves of this DANGEROUS DRUG, and these Brewers Of Mass Destruction, is to invade Iran. Yes. Invade Iran. Hunt down these Brewers Of Mass Destruction, and end tea production in Iran IMMEDIATELY. Naturally, we'll have to implement measures to stop home-grown brewers. So, a coalition parliamentary plan, is to install a CCTV camera in EVERY UK kitchen. Yes. Every UK kitchen. Faaaaaacking 'ell, mate, if you've nothing to hide, you've nothing to fear, eh, eh, innit mate, innit!??! So why object!?!? Disagree with this war, and you're unpatriotic. No question about it. You're Anti-British TRAITORS. In fact, given the state of war, treason laws are being reactivated, to prosecute, and hang all opponents of this new war.

So...uhm, yeah, pour your tea down the sink, and dispose of all teabags, and kettles.

Tuesday 27 October 2009

Latest Wankathon On BBC Have Your Say

Visiting the dog pound for the day.......talking about the Royal Mail, oh lordy lord.

Before I share the fun and frolics, I'll state on the issue that I've seen a real decline in the Royal Mail since Gordon Brown came into power; this observation is purely from a recipient's point of view, mind, but I've certainly felt that deliveries have been far slower, until, ironically, the strikes have kicked back up. I'm VERY worried how New Labour have undercut the Royal Mail with their third-way, corporate, part-privatisation of what is easiest for the management bullshit, and the Unions most certainly have a right to complain about how they're being undercut, and how Royal Mail is being undermined.

Equally, I think this strike has been done at a God-awful time, and makes me believe (Rather, reinforces my opinion), that Union leaders of today are complete cretins. Surely it was obvious that they'd be aware that the public would be somewhat against them, given plenty of others have put a lot on the line during this recession?

But that's my opinion, and given how much of a fickle fuck I am, I could change that opinion. But I do have to look over to the railways in this country, also, and notice terrible familiarities between that and the Royal Mail.

Pah, who gives a flying shite about my opinion? I'm just some yoghurt-knitting, long haired, PC do-gooder. Here's some real intelektualz at the Have Your Say messageboard:

"Sack the lot and employ workers who will appreciate having a job.Striking is just a form of blackmail, there is nothing Royal about that.

C Carver, Perth"

That's the spirit: SACK THA LO' OF 'EM! Now THAT is Royal!


n noun the criminal offence of demanding money from someone in return for not revealing discreditable information.

Does C Carver know something we don't know? What could this unknown skeleton in the closet about the management fucks be, that the Unions are threatening to tell us? That they're corrupt and useless? Oh, wait, that's something we do know.

Gosh, I told you there'd be some stunning insight from Have Your Say on this issue! More! More!

"I don't care about the plight of the postal workers. If you don't like your working conditions, find another job! That's what I would have to do since I don't have a union. I absolutely reject the idea that it is acceptable to hold the entire country at ransom. I don't expect the rest of the country give a toss about my problems. Why do people think there is a right to a job that never changes? Times are tough. Deal with it.

R Milner, Milton Keynes"

"That's what I would have to do since I don't have a union."
Awww, pass me the smallest fiddle in the world.

"I absolutely reject the idea that it is acceptable to hold the entire country at ransom." Look under: hyperbole

"Times are tough. Deal with it." Why don't YOU fucking deal with it? Don't you see the flashing irony? You sit there, telling others who are being undermined and shat on, and have been shat on for YEARS before the current recession to get on with it, and accept hardships, yet you're moaning about getting hardships yourself from the public sector.

"If you're not happy with your job, there's the door!

Thats true for all jobs.
Change is a part of life and all work places.
Nothing stands still.

Andrew Lye, Johnston, Pembrokeshire, United Kingdom"

Just what we need; an E-Philosopher! However, it has little bearing or substance on the issue at hand. *yawn*

"No Sympathy. The workers are living in the dark ages – It is like the railways not progressing past the steam engine – Every business has to accept new technology most bills come through the internet – let them strike. Most other business / employees are living in the real world the threat of redundancies.

Why doesn’t it apply to them ?

A.Smith, Burton-on-Trent "

Hook, line, and sinker. What do I mean? Simple: for the entire course of this debacle, the management shithouses and Lord So-Many-Goddamn-Titles-It-Extracts-The-Piss Mandelson, have been throwing around, in retaliation, this corporate buzzword of "modernisation", which is really just a smokescreen, to add an entirely different issue (That of new technology replacing humans), into the mix, to obfuscate the issue. And it's worked. On HYS, mind.

"The CUW are a waste of space. When are they going to realise that unless they stop resisting change they are going to put themselves out of a job? And for them to say they dont want the public to be inconvienced by the strikes and then take legal action against the royal mail for hiring tempory staff to clear the backlog is a joke. I'm fed up of greedy public sector workers holding the public to ransom, if you dont like it, get a new job, start living in the real world.

, Lincoln "

CUW? A new organisation involved? Jeez, what did I tell you? This HYS sure is a fountain of knowledge! (That's been pissed in)

"When are they going to realise that unless they stop resisting change they are going to put themselves out of a job?" That's not how Unions usually work, love.

'I'm fed up of greedy public sector workers holding the public to ransom" Just where the fuck does this "ransom" thing come from? Where are people getting this from? How is it, in any way, shape, or form, a valid and logical term for describing the current situation?

"start living in the real world" The real world for HYSers, is the Zanu-Lab-PC-Gaaaaawn Maaaad-Innit-You-Couldn't-Make-It-Up-In-This-Once-Great-Country-Now-Invaded-By-Every-Tom-Dick-And-Abdul-Environmarxist-Stalinist-Nanny-State-Sold-Down-The-River-To-The-EUSSR-By-Jock-McBottler-Hellhole!!!!!1111111

Should I continue? Ah, fuck it; I'm going to listen to some Brothers Johnson. Have a good one, all.