Thursday 29 October 2009

Cultural Marxism

Dear BBC,

I, as a proud, self-registered member of "The Silent Majority", in this once great country, am getting increasingly alarmed by the preposterous levels of cultural and social Marxism displayed in your output. With certainty, I can tell you that I am losing a lot of sleep over it, and am becoming frightened to go out of my own home, because of it.
You, and many other PC, right-on do-gooders may get a cheap laugh out of these lefties, but not I; their antics are increasingly destroying the fabric of our society, and the BBC is busily engaged in emulating their ways, and trying to stain our culture with it.

Take Groucho, for instance, and his "witty" comebacks to his superiors, and all authority that stares him in the face; back in my day, we didn't make no cheeky retorts - we did what we were told. And that's the way it should be. Authority is unquestionable, yet Groucho, and all the other "right on" do-gooders that the BBC hire as "comedians" persist on defying this traditional, upstanding attitude. You can clearly see the effect this has on our feral youth of today, where they don't have the blindest bit of respect for authority, and, like Groucho, are making these "witty" retorts. It's just not on. A clip round the earhole would do these young shavers the world of good. Although we can't even do THAT nowadays, thanks to "yuman rights".

Chico, as well, and his Italian "gangster" accent; clearly glorifying the violent gangster culture, not to mention the rubbishing of our good, never changing English language. It's an absolute disgrace. The BBC are culprits of this as well, imbibing the attitudes of Chico. For starters, whenever there's yet another story about a feral yob vandalising property, or committing one crime or another, you won't even have the guts to call these young yobs for what they are; you'll always resort to something ridiculous, like, "restless young adult", or something else of a similar nature, radiating in sheer Political Correctness. As for the accents....don't get me started on THAT one; what on Earth, apart from even more Political Correctness, and the cultural undermining of our great English language, would be the reason for hiring people with bloody regional accents?! I'm routinely plagued with these new presenters, listening to them, and thinking to myself: Can't they pronounce ANYTHING right? This constant imbibing of Cultural Marxism is deeply disturbing, and the ordinary man on the street is becoming increasingly afraid to walk out on an evening, because of it.

Last and not least, there's Harpo; practical jokes aren't practical, or a joke. Let's be perfectly clear about that one. Slapstick has always promoted mass violence in our once great country, and is clearly a direct influence to the now named "happy slapping". (Only a Cultural Marxist would name this act "Happy", so even the name is a Cultural Marxist invention) Of course, back in my day, we didn't have no phones. We played football in the park. (Rugby, for us tougher, more macho folk) And again, the BBC wish to emulate this, by having their own slapstick comedians on, and airing shows, which use slapstick as humour. Our true, blue, British values are being eroded by the day, and the BBC is busily engaged in contributing to this erosion. Well, I, and many others are looking at this drastic downhill slope for our society, and must come to the conclusion that in 20 years, there won't be a Britain left, let alone a GREAT Britain. We urge you to ditch this Cultural Marxism immediately, before the effects of it are irreversible.

Yours faithfully,

Terry Shitehouse; a PROUD British.


  1. Great article. I'm always reading, when i go "piss-take hunting" on the daily mail, maybe not always because i would die of shit overload, but you get the point.
    I read how Great this country *was*, yet i wonder, at which moment in time are these people refering to?
    When the "Great" British Empire existed? When women and children, and men that were not of a particular colour were treated like second class citizens? Or perhaps when the country was so filthy and unhygienic that you were lucky if you survived over your 40's? No? How about when 90% of the population were peasants and illiterate? And their greatest fear was to die of the Plague? No?

    It just makes my blood boil, seriously.

  2. I know what you mean; I'm always asking these people when Britain was "once great", and, rather unsurprisingly, never get an actual date. (Something usually along the lines of, "WHEN THE TYRANNY OF SOCIALISM DIDN'T INVADE THESE ISLES BLAH BLAH BLAH")

    Of course, I think there have been *some* things in this country that haven't improved, but our country isn't alone in those particular things, and, regardless of political persuasion, everyone with a modicum of objectivity has to admit that lives have generally improved both in this country, and worldwide.
