Saturday 17 October 2009

This Is Great

Jan Moir getting hammered over her homophobic article today, who also thought cannabis could have been the source of some heart failure (Cannabis doesn't cause fluid on the lungs or is even lethal, for that matter......)

Stephen Fry and Derren Brown have also weighed in, critical of Jan Moir.

Superb stuff, folks; that's the spirit!


  1. However her publicised statement has no apology and she's still insisting that somehow weed (and the fact that he was gay) made him die.

    Despicable woman. And poor Stephen.

  2. Absolutely; her statement in reaction is what makes it all even worse, not even trying to realise how odious and homophobic her article was (I'm sure she realises it though, but just making the cheapest of denials)

    Excellent moves by Nestle and Marks & Spencer though; that's hit the fuckers (Daily Mail) where it hurts.
