Friday 30 October 2009

FUCK New Labour (Part 259 - Postman Prat Strikes Again)

Labour drug chief David Nutt sacked for speaking the truth (By Postman Prat, Alan Johnson, of all people)

2005 England and Wales report of drug related deaths:

Tobacco 86,500
Alcohol 6,627
Heroin 842
PARACETAMOL 446 (Any fucker who thinks this is a safe drug knows fuck all. And believe me, I speak from experience on this one)
All anti-depressants 401
Methadone 223
Cocaine (including crack) 176
Amphetamine 103
MDMA/Ecstasy 58

Cannabis 0

No FUCKING individual in HUMAN FUCKING HISTORY has died directly from cannabis. Why? It's NOT TOXIC ENOUGH. GET IT?

And don't give me any of this fucking crap about skunk; yes, it's STRONGER, in which case, TAKE FUCKING LESS, like you do with whiskey. Oh, wait, yes, that's right, we're unable to do that, because Cannabis growth isn't regulated, and as such, users are more prone to overdoses, down to its illegal nature. Forgot about that one.

Also, the tobacco element; simple - smoke cannabis with herbal cigarettes. Problem. Fucking. Solved. There'd be no tobacco involved, so no tar production, and all the shit that comes with tobacco intake.

People can have panic attacks from the use, which is true, and, again, with legality of cannabis, but coming with strict regulation of its usage, such problems could be far easier to monitor. Like any fucking drug in the world, there will be SOME nasty side effects for SOME people.

Ugh, I hate this debate so much, and the lies and deception spread around it. Did anyone see that odious scumbag, Jacqui Smith, the hypocrite of the year, on Question Time? Horrible TV. I was depressed at her weasel performance, and her defending her indefensible comments on her drug policy.

I make no secret of the fact that I think The War On Drugs, is the worst piece of existing policy in this country. Yes, even worse than The War On Terrorism, solely because the War On Terror also includes elements with the drug war in it.

The history of cannabis has always been a conveniently ignored one, because before the war on drugs, created by the most corrupt president in US history, to be then imported into this country, most dope-smokers weren't anti-establishment hippies, and to say so, is entirely duplicitous. The vast majority of cannabis smokers were women who used cannabis to relieve period pains. FACT. (Edit: Degaffed @_@)

Cannabis has been proven to help act as a pain reliever for various tumours, not to mention actually downsizing brain tumours, and is also an aid to bipolar disorder. Oh. Wait. Not only is cannabis a classified drug, but not even the NHS are allowed to issue cannabis as a medicine, despite NHS centres in the UK being allowed to prescribe heroin. Fuck, I hate using Littlejohnian phrases, but you actually couldn't make this shit up.

Oh, here's another fun fact about cannabis; do you know, in the country where the drug war originated, which is the United States, eight individuals there actually get cannabis provided to them by the federal government, for medical reasons?

But, as wisely pointed out by an audience member on Question Time, the only reason the politicians won't do anything with alcohol and tobacco, is because they get revenue from it.

Alan "Postman Prat" Johnson is such a fucktard. I hate his smarmy fucking face, his history (Aka, the fucker that helped introduced tuition fees), and everything about him, but beyond all others, how he's hailed as "decent" because of his "background as a postie". What shallow shit that is. Hitler was an ex-serviceman, and from humblestock, as was Thatcher; oh, yeah, they're fucking great, aren't they? Ugh. It's times like this when I think we need a new Guy Fawkes ;)


  1. "People can have panic attacks from the use, which is true"

    People can also have panic attacks without taking Cannabis too. Like moi, sometimes, in times of stress.It's not something that can kill you.

    I always believed that if politicians legalized "soft" drugs like Cannabis, marijuana...petty crime would drop by at least a quarter or perhaps more. This is the non-radical scenario. The radical solution to really cut down crime, is to legalize all drugs. Could it work in the uk? The only way to know is to actually try. The difficult bit is to take the plunge though.

  2. I think it would work. I'm personally sick of being stopped by the police, over witness appeals to kidnappings or other crimes which have been to do with drug gangs. The fact is, that criminalisation creates these criminal drug gangs (Never hear of illegal alcohol gangs or traders, do you?)

    I'm also get panic attacks as well, for which Cannabis could probably help me through, had it been available. My mental health is very poor, and I'd rather have Cannabis as an aid, as opposed to so-called anti-depressants like "Prozac" (They *almost* gave me that, too)

    Your comments are always a breath of fresh air; thanks! :)

  3. As i was saying before my computer rudely interrupted me...

    You are quite right.Remember America in the 20's or 30's? Alcohol was banned, and it was consequence of this that the mafia and gangsters, plain organized crime, came to force.

    I think it very brave of you to say; "My mental health is very poor". You don't often hear people say that. And it's not because the rest of humanity have no mental issues. If you ask me everyone has something... a fear of spiders, of the dark, of planes, of buttons, rejection or love,being followed, clowns just whatever...everyone has their little "demon", and the only way to make sure that "demon" has no power over you is to face it. And you're clearly facing it by the sounds of it. So good on you. :)

    I mean i personally, fell into a depression when i was 16, now i'm 20 and fully recovered, kind of. (I say this because though i'm not depressed. The experience of it leaves a mark. Not necessarily bad though, as i'll explain just now...)...i don't regret having had the depression. It is sooo true that it's the tough times that make you stronger, wiser and ultimately human.
    You have to find your inner peace in order to find happiness. My advice is to find yourself. What i mean is, find things that you like and love, explore yourself.Accept your weaknesses. However most of all, learn to love yourself, learn to accept that you are also worthy of happiness.(People can be very masochistic sometimes)
    I learnt this thanks to the depression, so bad can turn to good.
    I better stop my rambling now. :)

    Oh and thank you for..."Your comments are always a breath of fresh air; thanks! :)"

    It's very sweet of you. :)

  4. Oh. Here i am again. Just wanted to say that I hope my rambling did not sound condescending, because that's the last thing i would wish it to sound like :)
    I said it with good faith.

  5. I'm glad you got over your depression; I still have mine, but it's definitely been downsized since the course of the last two months. I totally agree with you about the strength through hardship, and it was a point that I made on my other blog; it does make you feel more of an authentic human being, without doubt, when you go through such abnormal rates of depression, and wade through it. (And I daresay that most people I've met with the greatest of characters have been through the same thing)

    Don't worry about rambling; as I said, I do love your comments, and you always have something insightful to say, so by all means, feel free to comment at any point :)

    Oh, and don't worry; you haven't came across as condescending at all, and I know that you said what you did with the most altruistic of intentions :)

  6. Pregnant women don't have period pain as they are...Pregnant. D'oh

  7. Haha, fair play; a bit of a gaffe on my part. Though whilst I did mean period pains, I think Cannabis may have been used during pregnancy. Maybe.
