Monday 19 October 2009

How Political Correctness Has Ruined Our Society........

.....but not how we're usually told it has.

Initially, I asked various individuals what this term "Political Correctness" was, and what it meant. Naturally, I got a plethora of answers, varying from "social engineering created in the early 90s" (By whom?), to worryingly Nazi-like sounding arguments, about Political Correctness originating from Leninism.

But not one of these definitions gave to me had a shred of evidence behind it, nor did it actually amount to any meaningful definition, even if it was backed with evidence.

Because if it did, we'd know precisely what it was, and it wouldn't be "going mad and worse", as we're usually being told it is; if we knew what the ideology was based upon, we'd get the picture, but we're not given even the pigments.

And, yes, incidentally, when I pressed for an answer to what Political Correctness, as an ideology or doctrine is, I just got the response of "it's gone mad". Add a grating to the ear South London accent to that, and you'll get the exact response I received.

But then, you begin to realise that such attempts to find the actualities of it are futile. You'd be better and more accurate in crafting your own definition of it, which is what I have done: it's merely a newspaper buzzword to play on the paranoia of old, washed out traditionalists. And unlike the other crap definitions given to me, I DO have evidence to prove that one. One of the first modern relevant usages of the term was by Richard Bernstein in the New York Times, talking about the "Cultural Wars".

I used to laugh at the term, honestly. It was something of a spectacle, to see paranoid old white middle-class Daily Mail columnists deem the lack of hot-cross buns in hospitals as being something to do with it them being banned, under the guise of "Political Correctness".

But not anymore.

made me change my mind.

A Question Time panel article on the BBC? What's so special about that?


When reading their short biography of Dambisa Moyo (Someone who I previously hadn't heard of), I came across this disturbing sentence:

"Here is an African woman, articulate, smart, glamorous, delivering a message of brazen political incorrectness: cut aid to Africa"

This sentence is just horrifying on so many levels. I'm not referring to the description of the controversial nature of Dambisa's views, or anything of the kind, but the mentioning of "political incorrectness". Since when the FUCK has debating whether STARVING people in the third world should be with financial aid or not, or whether it will be put to good use or not, had ANY-FUCKING-THING to do with Political Correctness? Controversial? Absolutely. Politically Incorrect? Who gives a motherfuck? Are we going to lose all our fucking sensibility and humanity in this drunken stupor of "hilarious", cutting edge wit of mocking or complaining about a perceived "Political Correctness"? Is THAT what we, as a society have came to, where the issue is not the simple ethical matters, like weighing up the factor of starving people in the third-world, but getting some brownie points over so-called "Political Correctness"? Absolutely disturbing

But this is what the fear of "Political Correctness" has manifested as: an agenda. An agenda which attracts. And makes money, too! Fuck the BBC for falling for this shit. Heavily.

But most importantly, fuck all the pathetic rags of newspapers which have perpetuated this new dolchstoss, as not only does it become a new agenda in itself, marketed like every other fucking thing under the sun, but it also becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy; how many slimy councillors, after seeing some tabloid lie about local councils not doing such and such, on the basis of "Political Correctness", will mask their own fuckups and mis-management, by hiding behind the new reason of "Political Correctness", only for the lie to be then further spread by rag tabloids within the frenzied, rotating insanity of this "Political Correctness" anti-craze?

If we can disturbingly include the element of so-called "Political Correctness" into the issue of third-world starvation, then where do we end, to realise that this new, scaremongering agenda has become so warped that it trivialises the most horrific elements of the world? Had the term been about in the 1930s and 40s in the fashion that it is now, would the Holocaust have been trivialised in the same sense, with the Mailites of then, talking and whipping up fear over "Political Correctness" on the utter ugliness and horrors of the Holocaust at the time? It's a VERY scary concept. And it is able to trivialise any of the world's greatest catastrophes and injustices.

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