Tuesday 27 October 2009

Latest Wankathon On BBC Have Your Say

Visiting the dog pound for the day.......talking about the Royal Mail, oh lordy lord.

Before I share the fun and frolics, I'll state on the issue that I've seen a real decline in the Royal Mail since Gordon Brown came into power; this observation is purely from a recipient's point of view, mind, but I've certainly felt that deliveries have been far slower, until, ironically, the strikes have kicked back up. I'm VERY worried how New Labour have undercut the Royal Mail with their third-way, corporate, part-privatisation of what is easiest for the management bullshit, and the Unions most certainly have a right to complain about how they're being undercut, and how Royal Mail is being undermined.

Equally, I think this strike has been done at a God-awful time, and makes me believe (Rather, reinforces my opinion), that Union leaders of today are complete cretins. Surely it was obvious that they'd be aware that the public would be somewhat against them, given plenty of others have put a lot on the line during this recession?

But that's my opinion, and given how much of a fickle fuck I am, I could change that opinion. But I do have to look over to the railways in this country, also, and notice terrible familiarities between that and the Royal Mail.

Pah, who gives a flying shite about my opinion? I'm just some yoghurt-knitting, long haired, PC do-gooder. Here's some real intelektualz at the Have Your Say messageboard:

"Sack the lot and employ workers who will appreciate having a job.Striking is just a form of blackmail, there is nothing Royal about that.

C Carver, Perth"

That's the spirit: SACK THA LO' OF 'EM! Now THAT is Royal!


n noun the criminal offence of demanding money from someone in return for not revealing discreditable information.

Does C Carver know something we don't know? What could this unknown skeleton in the closet about the management fucks be, that the Unions are threatening to tell us? That they're corrupt and useless? Oh, wait, that's something we do know.

Gosh, I told you there'd be some stunning insight from Have Your Say on this issue! More! More!

"I don't care about the plight of the postal workers. If you don't like your working conditions, find another job! That's what I would have to do since I don't have a union. I absolutely reject the idea that it is acceptable to hold the entire country at ransom. I don't expect the rest of the country give a toss about my problems. Why do people think there is a right to a job that never changes? Times are tough. Deal with it.

R Milner, Milton Keynes"

"That's what I would have to do since I don't have a union."
Awww, pass me the smallest fiddle in the world.

"I absolutely reject the idea that it is acceptable to hold the entire country at ransom." Look under: hyperbole

"Times are tough. Deal with it." Why don't YOU fucking deal with it? Don't you see the flashing irony? You sit there, telling others who are being undermined and shat on, and have been shat on for YEARS before the current recession to get on with it, and accept hardships, yet you're moaning about getting hardships yourself from the public sector.

"If you're not happy with your job, there's the door!

Thats true for all jobs.
Change is a part of life and all work places.
Nothing stands still.

Andrew Lye, Johnston, Pembrokeshire, United Kingdom"

Just what we need; an E-Philosopher! However, it has little bearing or substance on the issue at hand. *yawn*

"No Sympathy. The workers are living in the dark ages – It is like the railways not progressing past the steam engine – Every business has to accept new technology most bills come through the internet – let them strike. Most other business / employees are living in the real world the threat of redundancies.

Why doesn’t it apply to them ?

A.Smith, Burton-on-Trent "

Hook, line, and sinker. What do I mean? Simple: for the entire course of this debacle, the management shithouses and Lord So-Many-Goddamn-Titles-It-Extracts-The-Piss Mandelson, have been throwing around, in retaliation, this corporate buzzword of "modernisation", which is really just a smokescreen, to add an entirely different issue (That of new technology replacing humans), into the mix, to obfuscate the issue. And it's worked. On HYS, mind.

"The CUW are a waste of space. When are they going to realise that unless they stop resisting change they are going to put themselves out of a job? And for them to say they dont want the public to be inconvienced by the strikes and then take legal action against the royal mail for hiring tempory staff to clear the backlog is a joke. I'm fed up of greedy public sector workers holding the public to ransom, if you dont like it, get a new job, start living in the real world.

, Lincoln "

CUW? A new organisation involved? Jeez, what did I tell you? This HYS sure is a fountain of knowledge! (That's been pissed in)

"When are they going to realise that unless they stop resisting change they are going to put themselves out of a job?" That's not how Unions usually work, love.

'I'm fed up of greedy public sector workers holding the public to ransom" Just where the fuck does this "ransom" thing come from? Where are people getting this from? How is it, in any way, shape, or form, a valid and logical term for describing the current situation?

"start living in the real world" The real world for HYSers, is the Zanu-Lab-PC-Gaaaaawn Maaaad-Innit-You-Couldn't-Make-It-Up-In-This-Once-Great-Country-Now-Invaded-By-Every-Tom-Dick-And-Abdul-Environmarxist-Stalinist-Nanny-State-Sold-Down-The-River-To-The-EUSSR-By-Jock-McBottler-Hellhole!!!!!1111111

Should I continue? Ah, fuck it; I'm going to listen to some Brothers Johnson. Have a good one, all.

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