Monday 5 October 2009

"Compassionate Conservatism" (Can't Polish A Turd)

John Major's "Back To Basics" campaign was all in vain!? Surely not!?

Aye, pretty much.

The Tories, paying homage to the Murdoch agenda moreso than ever, have *regurgitated* this disgraceful policy on incapacity benefits.

The only parts of the parcel we're getting from Conservative policy masters, is this, and the abolition of Inheritance Tax (Which, very strangely, would affect both David Cameron and George Osborne, of the few people who are affected by inheritance tax)

I think I could probably end this blog entry, with my point being perfectly clear to you, but I'll just make a few more small points.

He plans to use a private firm to calculate who *they* consider, from whatever testing (More bureaucracy!!!!!!!!1111) to be transferred to Jobseeker's Allowance, and not Incapacity Benefits. We know how "independent", independent commissions are in this country; what on Earth would make anyone believe a bleeding private investigative body would be even remotely objective on this? What sort of testing would this be? (As if incapacities can be accurately tested from a ridiculous scheme like this.......)

Now, I have a slight suspicion that a certain group within disability and incapacity will happen to be affected moreso than any other group, but I'll leave that one to echo in the depths of my mind.

What's interesting, is that they EXPECT 500, 000 to be affected, and how they can expect anything like that, I haven't the faintest idea. And would that, in actuality, be a target for this private investigative body to aspire to, in terms of finding people to transfer?

Unsurprisingly, on the point of offering training, I recall David Cameron in the Prime Minister's Questions actually attacking Brown on implementing this as a way to "massage the unemployment figures". Now he wants to offer training; heavens knows the real motivation!

Oh well, at least it isn't changing the actual definition of unemployment to massage the unemployment figures, on this one.

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